To complete the packing of your international shipment, you will need to provide an ITN (ITN). When the shipment is international rather than domestic, the values of “Ship From Country” and “Ship To Country” in the shipment are different from one another. Consequently, the ITN can be supplied while packing for any international consignment. Understand first what is an itn number.
The Applications Manager’s ITN Preferences allow you to set whether or not the ITN details should be captured during packing based on the “Ship From Country” and “Ship To Country” values. On the other hand, you can choose to disable ITN capture entirely in the preferences.
First, in the rules panel, go to Packing > ITN Preferences from the tree. The preferences screen for the ITN loads.
Third, if the United States is selected as the “Ship From” country, then “blank value” must be selected as the “Ship To” country and the “Capture ITN” box must be checked. The shipment is created with “node/ShipFrom” set to the United States of America and “shipTo” set to Canada; as a result, the Internal Transaction Number Entry screen is displayed for any non-domestic shipment that originates in the United States of America, regardless of the ‘Ship To Country.
- Allows you to choose whether or not to display the Internal Transaction Number Entry screen based on whether or not the country of origin has ITN requirements.
- In the same vein, if the box labelled “Capture ITN” is not checked, the screen for entering the Internal Transaction Number will not be shown for any non-domestic shipment that originates in the United States.
- To facilitate the collection of ITN data via a mobile application, customers are given the opportunity to do so.
- Allows for the collection of ITN data only if required by the country of destination.
Trading Abroad Laws and Rules (FTR)
Formerly known as the Foreign Trade Division, the International Trade Management Section of the United States Census Bureau is responsible for administering the FTR. The FTR enables the collection of trade statistics and provides BIS and CBP with the data they need to carry out their export oversight responsibilities. The most recent version of the FTR can be found on the website of the Government Publishing Office, and a concise guide to the FTR is available from the Census Bureau if you’re interested in some light reading.
United States of America, Real Party in Interest (USPPI) The USPPI indicates the U.S. citizen or resident who will receive the greatest benefit from an export transaction.
According to data, that person might be:
Products sold outside the United States must meet two criteria: 1) be manufactured in the United States, and 2) be sold by an American wholesaler or distributor.
U.S. order party that mediated negotiations between the U.S. seller and the international buyer and accepted the export order. U.S. seller who negotiated directly with foreign buyer and received export order if foreign entity makes purchase or obtains item in the United States.
Interested Party With an Overseas Headquarters (FPPI) The FPPI is the entity making the purchase with the intention of exporting the goods, or the entity receiving or making use of the goods in their final form. This person may be the final recipient of the shipment.